Delta offer Optogalvanic (see-through) hollow cathode lamps. They provide a sensitive optogalvanic effect when used with laser beam directed through the cathode discharge. The see through design also acts as a frequency stable reference for high intensity tuneable monochromatic light source, particularly lasers. Using a see-through cathode of high purity material, the laser does not strike the cathode surface so there is no photoelectric noise.
Most of the single element hollow cathode lamp materials may be used in the “see-through” design. We offer standard gas filler Neon or your choice of other gases such as Argon, Xenon and Krypton.
- See-Through Cathode
- High Stability Opto-Galvanic Signal
- Quartz Window
- Selective Cathode Materials
- Choice of Filler Gases

- Calibration of laser wavelength
- Stabilization of laser frequency
- Measuring instrument standard
- Optical communications

Please contact any member of the Delta team today for pricing. Simply let us know which element and gas filler you require.